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Clarice Pang


Hong Kong-born clarinetist Ms. Wing-Yin Pang, Clarice was awarded the Music Dean Scholarship, Vivian N. Humphreys Bundy Scholarship, and Jacobs School of Music Scholarship to study at Jacobs School of Music, Indiana University Bloomington, where she completed her Bachelor’s Degree and Performer Diploma in Clarinet performance in 2019, under the tutelage of renowned Canadian Clarinetist James Campbell, who has performed as soloist with over 60 orchestras, including London Symphony and Montreal Symphony. She also received the Premiere Young Artist Award for her exemplary achievements in her Performer Diploma.  Ms. Pang made her Carnegie Hall Debut as the winner of the third prize of the Concert Artist International Virtuoso Competition (Professional category) in March 2019 and won the Second Prize in the Golden Classical Music Award (Professional category) in 2018. Prior to her studies in the States, Ms Pang studied with Mr. Ryan Poon. Ms Pang is a Licentiate of the Trinity College of London (LTCL).

Ms Pang attended masterclasses by renowned clarinetists such as Eli Eban, Howard Klug, Steven Barta (Clarinet Principal of Baltimore Symphony Orchestra), Lorenzo Antonio Losco (Hong Kong Philharmonic), Daniel Silver (former Principal of Hong Kong Philharmonic), Andreas Schablas (University Mozarteum), as well as Guy Yehudi ( Michigan State University). Ms. Pang also studied with Eric Hophrich in classical clarinet, specializing in the early stage of development of Clarinet as an instrument .


Ms Pang has performed in many cities including New York, Manchaster,  Salzburg, Beijing, Shanghai, Bangkok, and Macao. In summer 2018, Ms Pang was selected to attend and perform at the Mozarteum Summer Music Festival in MOZARTEUM UNIVERSITY, Salzburg, Austria.

Ms Pang was invited to participate in local and international performances, including a clarinet solo recital  Musica Del Cuore Series, the Celeste Series at the All saint Cathedral Hong Kong .

She also gives chamber recitals in Lancaster Priory, Rochdale Toad Lane concerts series and Macclesfield St Michael & All Angels Church recital series etc.

Ms Pang has performed with a number of orchestras, including Hong Kong Wind Philharmonic, Ensemble Traversée, etc.

She was the soloist for the annual concert of Fanling Lutheran Secondary School Symphony Band  at the Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall with overwhelming response.

As a chamber music performer, Ms. Pang also has trained under bassoonists William Ludwig and Kathleen McLean, pianists Philip Lee and Sung-Mi Im, harpist Florence Sitruk, as well as collaborative pianist Anne Epperson and Chih-Yi Chen.


A keen educator, Ms. Pang studied Pedagogy with experienced pedagogue Howard Klug. She also has a certificate in  small-group pedagogy (10-15 students). Her experience in practicing Alexander technique with Dr Meagan Johnson gives her  a thorough understanding of ways in teaching students to relax during practice and performance.

Ms. Pang has more than ten years teaching experience as a clarinet instructor, orchestra conductor, wind band conductor, as well as clarinet ensemble coach in different schools. With her immense experience and dedication in teaching, many of Ms. Pang’s students have obtained fabulous results at Hong Kong Schools Music Festival. In 2021-2023, several of her students were awarded prizes in different solo categories of 73rd, 74th and 75th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival, with 1st prize, 2nd prize, coupled with 3rd prize included. Some of them have pursued further studies in music conservatories to study clarinet performance including Royal Academy of Music , Royal Birmingham Conservatoire of Music Royal Northern College of Music Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama  together with The Chinese University of Hong Kong . With passion and enthusiasm, Ms. Pang would like to devote herself into the career in music education and performance in Hong Kong. Ms. Pang is invited to be a jury in Hong Kong Promotion of Performing Arts Association Music Competition (Clarinet category) in 2023 and 2024.

In 2023 and 2024 , Ms. Pang leads the Maryknoll Convent School (Secondary Section) School Orchestra as an orchestra conductor to obtain the Gold award in the Joint School Music Association (JSMA). 


在⾹港⼟⽣⼟長的彭詠賢,畢業於美國印第安納⼤學(布魯明頓)積可斯⾳樂學院,先 後獲得單簧管演奏學⼠學位及單簧管演奏家⽂憑,期間師隨著名 加拿⼤單簧管演奏家James Campbell教授 (經驗包括多次以獨奏家身分與超 過60 隊世界級樂團演出包括倫敦交響樂團、 加拿⼤蒙特利爾樂團等)。同 時,彭氏獲得校長獎學⾦、積可斯⾳樂學院獎學⾦、Vivian N. Humphreys Bundy獎學⾦及Premiere Young Artist Award 。於2019年3⽉,彭氏在Concert Artists International Virtuoso 比賽中獲得第三名(專業公開組別),並於紐約著名卡內基⾳樂廳以獨奏形式演出。彭氏中學時期跟隨潘若基先⽣學習,早 年曾在⾹港學校⾳樂節單簧管獨奏組獲獎,並考獲倫敦聖三⼀單簧管專業 演奏⽂憑(LTCL)。


彭氏曾獲多位著名單簧管演奏家接受⼤師班,當中包括Eli Eban、Howard Klug 、前 Baltimore Symphony Orchestra 單簧管⾸席Steven Barta、⾹港管弦 樂團低⾳單簧管⾸席 Lorenzo Iosco、前⾹港管弦樂團單簧管⾸席Daniel Silver、University Mozarteum 單簧管教授 Andreas Schablas,以及Michigan State University 單簧管教授Guy Yehuda。此外,彭氏亦 對前期單簧管的發展 深感興趣,並跟隨古典單簧管演奏家Eric Hophrich 學習吹奏前期單簧管及 鑽 研古典時期的單簧管演奏。

彭氏曾於世界各地不同地⽅演出, 當中包括紐約、薩爾茲堡、曼徹斯特、曼⾕、北京、 上海、澳⾨等地,2018在年夏天入選奧地利 薩爾斯堡莫札特⼤學 (Universität Mozarteum Salzburg)參加夏⽇⾳樂節。並獲邀參與本地及國際之演出包括樂⼼⾳樂會系列Musica Del Cuore Series及星籟天韵⾳樂會系列系列舉⾏單簧管獨奏會。

並於 Lancaster Priory, Rochdale Toad Lane ⾳樂會系列及 Macclesfield St Michael & All Angels Church ⾳樂會系列舉行室樂演奏會等。


此外,彭氏熱愛室樂⾳樂,曾獲不同的演奏家指導室樂,當中包括巴松管 演奏家William Ludwig 及Kathleen McLean︔ 豎琴家Florence Sitruk︔韓國鋼 琴家Sung Mi Im 、 鋼琴家 Chiu-Yi Chen、鋼琴家Lee Phillip,以及美國著名 Collaborative Music 鋼琴家 Anne Epperson 學習處理單簧管奏嗚曲。 彭氏在 港期間亦參與多個樂團之演出,包括⾹港愛樂管樂團、Ensemble Traversée、 澳⾨青年交響樂團等。2012年,她獲邀於基督教⾹港信義會⼼誠 中 學在⾹ 港⼤會堂演奏廳周年⾳樂會上仼獨奏嘉賓,廣獲好評。


彭氏亦熱衷教學⼯ 作,在印第安納⼤學期間,她跟隨美國單簧管演奏家及 教育家 Howard Klug 學習單簧管教學法。


彭氏亦熱衷教學⼯作,至今有超過15年教學經驗,學⽣分別考獲世界知名音樂學院主修單簧管演奏包括: 英國皇家音樂學院(RAM), 英國皇家伯明翰音樂學院(RBC),  英國皇家北⽅⾳樂學院(RNCM), 英國皇家威爾斯音樂和戲劇學院⾳樂系(RWCMD),⾹港中⽂⼤學⾳樂系主修單簧管。


彭氏現為⾹港多間中⼩學擔任單簧管導師、單簧管⼩組合奏指導導師、⽊管樂團指揮及管絃樂團指揮。現為瑪利諾修院學校(中學部)管弦樂團指揮,2023及 2024年帶領樂團於⾹港聯校⾳樂⼤賽管弦樂團組比賽中奪得⾦獎。


多位學⽣於⾹港校際⾳樂節的單簧管獨奏獲得獎項(第⼀,第⼆及第三名) 。學⽣於各⼤⾳樂比賽亦獲得獎項。2023年起獲⾹港藝術推廣協會及國際音樂文化及藝術協會邀請擔任⾹港藝術比賽管樂組評判。

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